Saturday, October 12, 2013

Big Decision

Our sweet boy made a very big decision on Thursday, October 10th 2013 at 3.5 years old.
Here's how it started.... I was in the kitchen canning grape juice and Nicholas was "reading" his bible story book from our home school supplies. When he got to the lesson on the crucifixion he noticed the photo depicting Jesus on the cross. His questions then were.... "momma why is he doing that?" "momma why does he have nails in him?" and, "momma is this a happy picture?". 
WOW this momma was not prepared to have this discussion quite yet.  Sure we have talked about Jesus' death at Easter time and quickly changed the subject to the fact that He rose again which is what we are celebrating.  How do I tell my little love that our beloved Jesus died? The way I pictured this conversation ending? With him in tears over Jesus' death. 

I quickly finished up what I had to at the stove and we grabbed our school book and a couple other of his children's Bibles. Went to his bedroom and read about the Crucifixion and Resurrection  in all of them. Afterwards I asked if he had any questions about what we just read..... oh boy did he! I explained the best I could to a 3.5 year old about why Jesus had to die to save us from our sins, and how this means we get to live in Heaven someday. There were some minor misunderstandings like "mommy will you go to the cross with me?".  But also the sweetest questions like "mommy will you be in heaven too?".  I told him that all he had to do was to ask Jesus into his heart and acknowledge that he died to save us from our sins.  Still not at this point thinking he was understanding much of what all this meant.. To my surprise he said he wanted to do that!!!!! I quickly called daddy at work and he came home so we could pray this together as a family. 

Our baby boy made a very grown up decision and this mommy is so proud of him. I can't begin to say how blessed I feel that I get to be home with our children so that I can teach him about these things and witness firsthand his little heart understanding and coming to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Also, that Daddy works right across the street so that he can come home quickly for something as important as this. Finally, thankful that we found (thanks to a friend) an awesome home school curriculum

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