Monday, August 14, 2017

Vacation prep during blueberry season

Every year in August we attend Homecoming at my Nana and Papa's house. With the hubby working 90+ hours each week prep for this vacation is never ending. 
Two years ago this week due to the intense stress of blueberry season, not drinking enough, and terrible diet Hubby got a kidney stone. It was terrible! Scary enough for him to stop drinking pop and constantly have a water bottle in his hand for the last two years! I never want him to go through that again so I take my job as Blueberry wifey seriously. I try to make him three meals a day so he doesn't survive on peanut M&M's! So in order for me and the kiddos to leave on vacation I have to make sure he is set for meals while we are gone.
Side note: Hubby doesn't eat fruits or vegetables. ( I am diligently working on this.) Currently he eats potatoes and pineapple. He will finally try things at every dinner but it's taken me 10+ years and lots of stress on my part! I do try to make smoothies often so he's still getting the nutrients from fruits and vegetables. However this is why you don't see any raw veggie's in these meals.

Two breakfasts: Sausages with pineapple, and
pancakes with syrup
Two lunches: Turkey and cheese on Hawaiian 
rolls (I put the condiments in-between the meat 
and cheese so it doesn't make the bread soggy)
 cheez-its and plain yogurt flavored with honey 
and white chocolate chips.
Two dinners:  Mini Shepards Pies with Hawaiian rolls.
Two lunches/dinners: Aloha sausages we found 
these at  Costco the other day! So Yummy! 
They come  in perforated packs so they keep longer 
than a package of sausages!  We've been eating as 
brats but I'm sure you can find many uses for all 
the yummy flavors they have! 

Stocked up the chickens with food and water
 for a few days, but our silly goldfish has grown 
used to being fed twice daily.  Hubby takes his Ningxia 
Red every morning so I moved Mr fish right
 next to his Ningxia glass with a friendly note.
Had to tend the garden before we left so we don't 
end up with overgrown beans and cucumbers.
 Look at our cute little watermelon! So far we 
have two growing. Never had them before any tips? 
A walk to the barn to drop off Daddy's 
breakfasts and lunches before we leave!

Finally packed and ready to head to the 
camper! My packing skills aren't typically this 
bad, but because  hubby brought the camper up 
last Sunday I didn't get the chance to pack much into it. 
I also didn't want all of our bikes gone for the week so
 I'm bringing up two of the kids bikes here... 
very awkward to pack around. :)