Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It doesn't get much better than this!

As I am finishing up with that mountain of dishes from tonite I can't help but thinking "It doesn't get much better than this!" You may be thinking I have gone crazy so let me explain.
I am washing the dishes as my hubby and lil man are laughing and playing in the living room, bellies full of a yummy dinner and desert.
I am thankful for: 1. A loving husband. 2. A beautiful son. 3. The home we live in.
4. The food I can put on the table. 5. The ability to wash those dishes!
It has been a long summer of not seeing my hubby more than an hour or so a day. Especially hard for lil man since he doesn't understand why daddy is working so much!
It's so nice to start getting into a "normal people" routine again! The lil man is a new person when he has daddy around more often and it just melts my heart!

Well enough of the mush here is what I accomplished tonite!

Speaking of mush..... I steamed and puree'd (sp???) 4 1/2 cup serving of carrots. One of which I used in the cookies we had for dessert! I use carrot puree quite often in things such as pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce, homemade mac n cheese, cookies you name it.
Also blanched some corn on the cob so that we can enjoy it in the dead of winter.
Here is dinner: Lemon Glaze chicken and wild rice. I also prepared two more meals of the lemon glaze chicken for the freezer. It was yummy (luckily considering we are going to eat it two more times :)

Don't forget dessert (no this is not a normal thing in this household I was very ambitious tonite!)
Peanut butter raisin cookies with hidden carrot puree, just don't tell my hubby.
I had planned on throwing some of these in the freezer to enjoy later but I'm thinking they will not make it that long.
I can't believe it myself but my kitchen is actually cleaner than it was when I began this afternoon. Thanks to my "Flying Lessons" From www.flylady.net
Go check out her site it is very encourgaing! I am only about a week into it but I am loving it so far. Not that I am following to a tee but at least I am trying.